Tuesday, September 29, 2009
By: Cheryl Bourget
Aligning your vibration is essential to satisfying your manifesting desires. Most folks rely on technique’s like journaling and visualization to get what they want, overlooking the significance of an aligned vibration through choosing good feeling activities. Once your thoughts are clear and aligned with your source, your manifested experiences arrive with grace and ease.
So how do you redirect your vibration on any subject? It is simple, Choose To Feel Good by playing with the ten “aligning activities” below everyday, weeks on end.
1. Filter your thoughts by consciously entertaining thoughts that feel good. Although it may feel impossible to eliminate all negative thoughts, you can give them less airtime and emotion. Practice consistently holding thoughts that lighten your heart and shift your perspective. (Call me 480-518-3660 or email organicwellnessolutions@gmail.com and I will teach you a conscious energy technique that will assist you getting to your better feeling thought quick!!)
2. Hang out with animals and spend time with a four-legged, feathered or scaly companion. I love hanging out and nurturing my canine companions, for that matter anyone’s canine companions! If you don’t already have an animal companion, visit a neighbor’s horse or cat, take a dog for a walk or set up a bird feeder. Animals are natural enhancers of energy! I know this first hand!! : ) I live next door to a burrow, a mule and 12 horses!
3. Do what you like and those things you enjoy, and decide not to do things you do not enjoy! Look at your current to-do list. What are you not looking forward to doing? Delegate or hire those items out or decide they do not need to be done after all. Then add activities to your list that you love to do. I Love To Cook!
4. Spending time in nature is very yummy to your energy. Like our animal companion’s it is a natural energy enhancer. Take a walk in the park; go for a hike; sit in the sun and bathe in the warmth; sit against a tree and feel and hear the breeze; lie on the grass to watch the clouds; walk the beach and feel the sand under your toes or listen to the ocean break on the shore, even raking leaves or reseeding your grass can be inspiring this time of year. I just reseeded my grass and in the process freed up a lot of resistant energy!
5. Listen to and follow your own guidance. No one else knows what is best for you than you. Listen for your intuitive nudges and respect them, you know more than any expert on all subjects.
6. Intentionally seek out people who are fun to be around and feel good to you. Your vibration is uplifted when you share with like vibrations, in fun experiences and laughter. Allow yourself to “recharge ad redirect” with the people you feel most aligned to. I love to hike or go to a “feel good” movie with a “feel good” friend!
7. Filtering your media is one of the best ways to align your vibe. Feed yourself books that turn you on and connect you to your inner-being and broader perspective; stop reading what doesn’t feel good; tabloids, trade journals, daily newspapers. If there is news you really need, someone will tell you (this I know first hand). If there’s a TV show you truly enjoy, tune in and then turn it off. Listen to music you enjoy; avoid unpleasant sounds. I love to listen to http://www.orindaben.com/ meditations or http://www.abraham-hicks.com/ workshop material. I mix this up with honey’s cover band music and I am rocking in the free world!!
8. Regularly experiencing love and appreciation will get your vibe aligned quickly and easily. Practice random acts of kindness and intentionally send out love and appreciation to yourself, everyone and everything around you. I love to make entries in my http://www.gratitudelog.com/wellbeingabounds/home log which also post on my www.twitter.com/organicwellness .
9. Schedule time to quiet your mind through meditation and breathe deeply! I love to visit http://www.orindaben.com/pages/rooms/orin_meditation_room/ to experience the 5-7 minute desk top meditations to get a new perspective in the middle of a busy coaching day!
10. Rewrite your life story as you wish it to be to include practical achievements and emotional states of being. Then record it and listen to it during a meditation time. Memorize it as if you were going to tell your inspiring story to a room full of people! I love to do this in front of my mirror in appreciation that it is already done!
Play with one or two suggestions at a time, everyday, for many weeks to come. As you recharge your vibration you will begin to see evidence of change in all area’s of your life! Have fun and be easy! We never get it done, and it does get better and better!
I would love to hear your ideas on how you recharge your vibration; let me know in the comment section below!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Law Of Attraction Focus Group
What is this focus group?
This Law Of Attraction (LOA) focus group involves encouraging an invited group of participants to share their thoughts, feelings, attitudes and ideas on the LOA.
What are the benefits of participating in this LOA group focus?
This Focus group will be used for all participants to receive input on how they are doing applying the Law Of Attraction to design the life of your dreams.
Advantages of this focus group include:
- You will be able to build on one an other's responses and come up with ideas you might not have thought of in a 1-on-1 session with me
- Good for obtaining data from others experiences with the Law Of Attraction
- Participants can act as checks and balances on one another - identifying factual errors or extreme views in regards to the Law Of attraction
- I will work with the group energy and offer vibrational support, and coaching as the meeting unfolds benefiting every one's alignment with their source energy.
- I will share with a new Vibrational Tuning Technique each time we meet!
When: Beginning October 1st, 2009 (re-occurring bi-weekly)
Where: via a bridge line conference call (number will be sent to you once you have joined the group).
Time: 8pm EST, 7pm PCT, 5pm MST (This group will run approximately 1 hour)
Cost: $20 a meeting (folk's that pay for 5 meetings up front will receive a 10% discount)
Contact: Cheryl Bourget by phone 480-518-366- or email organicwellnesssolutions@gmail.com to get more information.
Invest now: http://www.organicwellnesssolutions.com/contact.htm
Thursday, September 24, 2009
By: Cheryl Bourget
What is at Time Out to Tune In? It is a conscious decision to step away from your regular flow of things with the intention to Tune In to what thoughts are creating your current reality. Thought forms from a conditioned past or thoughts intentionally influenced in the present or fear thoughts intended to manipulate and control an unknown future?
The value of a Time Out to Tune In is priceless and necessary when things feel chaotic or peaceful. It is as an important practical step. Every thing I have learned in becoming a Mind Master and Blended Being has taught me that this action is most beneficial to our minds integration of the new information, supportive of our Inner-Beings evolution and our desired life's experience.
For some this may seem a lot to comprehend, fortunately, we do not need to know how it all works, and we just need to allow it to happen. (that is a future post) So we all know by now, our thoughts are energy and are seeking to balance and forward move themselves in harmony with the Law Of Attraction. We assist this process favorably when we focus our minds energies; thoughts, words and actions toward our desired outcome coupled with staying Tuned In to our source connection ( guidance system, inner-being, universe, god, higher power etc).
I believe, humans are creative by nature and desire more in all areas, it is natural to our state of being to desire more, more health, more wealth, more loving relationships, any thing that supports us in having more and feeling our connection to source. The desire initially creates a gap in our connection and becomes the catalyst to our desire to connect! Phew!!
That is what we love, is how we feel when we feel connected to our Inner-Being. There is not one person, place, situation or thing that gives us good feelings and any effort to make it that way is fruitless and goes against the laws of creation! Our own ability to feel good first ATTRACTS to us people, places, situations and things that vibrationaly align with us in our good feelings and focused intentions, that's creation, a partnering of energies that adds unto the whole! That's why we love to meet like minded poeple! There is nothing more delicious than when we first meet that person who "lines -up" with us in our desire to create in the same way! That's why I enjoy being in love; with my honey, my canine companions, friends, family, nature, food ... Yummy!
The urgency you feel for change, that ache in your heart, that restlessness is the stirring of your own creative life force calling YOU to be, do and have more. Notice I said it is calling YOU, not anyone else to become more in order for you to have the life you desire. That is why the only way to experience change is to be that change first which begins with your choice to master your own mind's energies and partner yourself with the energy that creates universes - YOU.
How do you partner yourself with the energies that create universes? YOU choose to Tune Into YOURSELF, source energy, inner-being, etc. and let the LOVE affair begin. HA : )- the essence of Self Love perhaps? This part of you is unlimited and unencumbered by the minds energy unfocused and conditioned. Yummy!
It has a broader view of your life and knows what you do not yet know about all things. It knows the best and fastest way to your desired result. This Time Out to Tune In creates the space for new thoughts and Inspired Actions that supports your new beliefs, keeps you on track, and focused in the most beneficial way toward the change you desire to experience!
Taking Time Out to Tune In is the simple part of the manifesting equation. Make the decision often and follow through!
We all know the benefits of the action list below. They all assist greatly, if allowed, with a shift in perspective and a "good feeling" forward moving idea form our Beloved Self.
· focused breathing
· journaling
· meditating
· nature
. laughing
· coaching
· inspiring books
· music, water, animal companions (my favorite), etc ...
Do you have any idea's to add to the list? Let us know in your comments below!
What are the intentions of your thoughts right now?