Monday, May 31, 2010

How can you tell if you have resistance?

One of the greatest challenges my clients find when manifesting their heart's desires is the releasing of resistance.

At its core, resistance is only energy vibrating in the form of negative thoughts that trigger corresponding negative emotions. As simple as that explanation may be, overcoming the problems it can cause is a little more complex.

We all know now that Law of Attraction teaches that the thoughts you think, act as a broadcast "signal" that tells the universe what you would like to experience - even if you are focusing on things that you would definitely NOT like to experience!

When you focus on something repetitively, you start attracting more of its essence back into your life - whether that thing is of a positive or negative nature.

That's where techniques like visualization, meditation, affirmations and the like are very useful. With regular use, they help you to stop focusing on the negative stuff and spend more time focusing on the positive stuff - which helps you attract more of that positive stuff.

But some people experience limited results from their efforts, and can't figure out why.
In there vibrational condition of resistance they may see little bits of improvement here and there, but can't quite reach the level of success they really desire, whether that success is related to their career, finances, relationships, physical well-being, or other subjects.

What is Resistance?

As I mentioned, resistance is caused by negative thoughts, which triggers negative emotions. The reason this affects your results so powerfully is because the Law of Attraction can only deliver situations and experiences that match your dominant focus.

If you have a lot of resistance clogging up your vibrational "signal", you are essentially telling the universe, "Please send me more of this annoyance" such as- despair, or anger, or frustration, or sadness - whatever you are actively focused upon feeling.

How can you tell if you have resistance?
The great thing about resistance is that it's usually pretty obvious- it makes you feel "not good"! But there are definite levels of feeling not good". Sometimes you might feel just a wee bit "off", like you're just not yourself, while other times you might be unbearably stressed, unhappy or overwhelmed. These are all shades of resistance, in one form or another.

Another sign of resistance is that nothing outside of you seems to go right. Despite doing your best to focus on the great things you want to attract, there is very little movement and progress to be seen.
Even if you occasionally see results, you will still keep bouncing back to an invisible "set point" on certain subjects, like money, relationships, your health, and so on. If you have been consistently working on any of these areas but can't seem to get anywhere, the cause is likely resistance.

So, how can you release this resistance and finally make better progress?
The truth is, resistance is a normal part of life. Not one of us is immune to it. We all have it to some degree. What if I told you that there were many easy, fast, efficient ways to dissolve the resistance that is blocking your goodness from arriving? Would you be willing to learn how to empower your own process for change?

It's true! Once you learn to recognize the feeling of resistance, and once you know how to release it, you will be spending more and more of your time focused purely on those satisfying life experiences you wish to attract, and they can manifest much more quickly and easily!

There is no overnight fix and there is a bit of effort required, but you'll find that it doesn’t have to be hard! There are lots of easy and effect way's to deactivate your resistance.

Try this releasing technique now:

Abraham-Hick's - Placemat Process

It serves best when you are feeling - overwhelmed, impatient, or frustrated

So what’s the placemat process? It's based on the idea that we can only do so much and still be effective, and that we don’t really have to do all of it. There’s a force out there greater than us that helps us out.

Have you ever noticed that some things you just didn’t get too seemed to take care of themselves in miraculous ways? Or they didn’t seem all that important anymore? Or you got a chance to do them much later and it was okay? Those are all signs that something greater than us is helping us and guiding our subconscious. The main thing is that we must stop stressing and release resistance. And the placemat process helps with that.

Here are the instructions:
Get a big piece of paper (placemat size works well):
Draw a line down the middle.
Write a reasonable number of items that you MUST get done today on the left side. Title that section: Things I will do today.
Write everything else that you think you ought to get done etc. on the other side. Title that section: Things I’m turning over to the universe.
And then just do the things on your list.
Also keep track of how many of the Universe’s list will get done. You may be surprised.

You can read about the Abraham Hicks placemat process in “Ask and it is given” by Jerry and Esther Hicks.

Are you actively creating the life you have always wanted, but experiencing resistance? Are you ready to utilize the Law of Attraction to truly achieve your heart’s desires? Cheryl Bourget, H.H.C of Organic Wellness Solutions offers support and guidance in creating the powerful changes in your life that you desire. Take the next step in achieving a more fulfilling life. To schedule a FRE*E 30 minute consultation email Cheryl today at today.

Check out June's Special at

Friday, May 7, 2010

"I AM Loved "

Creating Powerful Changes in your Life through Affirmations
by: Cheryl Bourget H.H.C.

Affirmations are positive statements that help focus your awareness on your power and ability to create what you want. They are stated in the present tense, such as "I have unlimited prosperity." Your thoughts and the feelings behind them create your reality, and as you say positive statements to yourself, you can begin to create them as true.

Affirmations are designed to open and expand your awareness of what you can have, to align you with your spirits wisdom, and to assist you in attuning with the unlimited prosperity of the universe. Most affirmations start with "I". You use "I" to refer to all of who you are: your Broader Self, also called your Higher Self, your Spirit, your Divine Self, your Source Self the part of you that is connected to the Universe, as well as the ego and personality self. As you think or say affirmations, you are calling upon the Spirit within you to be present and express itself opening the doorway to experience a new, more pleasing reality.

Saying "I AM"

Too often I hear people say "I am....." and follow it with a negative or limited statement. It is important to catch yourself if you find yourself doing this, and change what you say about yourself and your life to reflect a more positive reality. Every time you say "I am" you are evoking the Divine Self within you, calling upon the power of the universe to make it so. If you can follow the statement "I am..." with positive thoughts you are invoking the power of the universe, the Positive Source within you to assist you in creating this as your reality.

As you say affirmations, feel the reality and power of the "I" within you to create the reality you want. The words themselves do not have power; repeating them routinely over and over will not create the reality you want. It is the energy of your Source Connection you are calling upon when you say these affirmations that has the power to make these thoughts a reality.

Affirmations are best employed when you are feeling content, hopeful and optimistic as these feelings reflect your connection to Source. Imagine feeling the power, love, and wisdom of the innermost part of your being, your Source Connection as you say each affirmation. Use affirmations as a way to open the doorway to all the riches and gifts of consciousness your true, innermost Self is waiting to give you. All you need to do is ask, affirm, and be open to receive. Let go of the specific form, way, and timing of what you have asked for, and know that through the Law Of Attraction your - Source Energy will bring to you exactly what you need at the perfect time and in the perfect way.

Fun Affirmation Resources:

Are you ready to have fun, build that connection and affirm the life you desire? Cheryl Bourget, H.H.C of Organic Wellness Solutions offers support and guidance in creating the powerful changes in your life that you desire. Take the next step in achieving a more fulfilling life. To schedule a FRE*E 30 minute consultation email Cheryl today at today.

Check out May's Special at

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