With my coaching clients we have been exploring the belief that everything IS energy in form, we are all one, all connected, and there is no doubt that each of us reflects something in another. We all have various vibrational set points that aligns with everything in the same frequency. Like attracts like so to speak. We cannot be separate, we cannot be apart, we can only demonstrate what is. And the Universe acts as a huge reflector of that reality.
At first my clients are resistant to the idea, and as we demonstrate how it is work's in their life they relax and begin to use the process to benefit there lives in a more pleasing way.
What happens when you look at your reflection in the privacy of your bathroom mirror? Do you see all beauty of your physical being or do you find fault with aspects of your face and body? If you look deeply into your own eyes, is there a sense of peace or discomfort? If you focus on one feature do you find it interesting or disappointing?
When you have a positive experience looking at yourself do you feel pleased and own that for yourself, or do you believe it is just an excellent mirror? And when you find aspects that do not please you, do you then consider how to accept them or improve them, or do you blame the mirror for being a poor reflector? I know whenever I am out shopping and try clothes on in the dressing room and think I look over weight, I blame the mirror for being hung wrong!
Now sit with the possibility that all of life, every person and animal you meet, every situation in which you find yourself in also offers you a mirror to see your own reflection on an inner level - a reflection beyond your physical presence. The reflection of your innermost emotional life, your spirits longings, your deepest beliefs and patterns of being and your conscious and unconscious thoughts. How would you see that reflection? Would you be able to see it as a gift, an opportunity to know yourself better? Would you be able to honor the parts of you that you find appealing and seek to transform those that do not serve you?
Or would you instead compliment or blame the mirror?
When you meet someone who challenges you emotionally through their behavior or words, whose actions perhaps cause you to reflect on your feelings be it anger, sadness, discouragement, rejection, or joy, then you are being given a look into that mirror. Perhaps a part of you is present in that person that you are seeing. Or perhaps the person you have attracted to you is here to show you the feelings about yourself and your life that you still need to understand or release in order to live more abundantly. You can only see what is already there within your own self, already operating or not, but nonetheless present on some level.
When someone upsets you because you perceive that they are not being kind to you, what part of you has also behaved unkindly to another? If a friend annoys you with trivial habits, where is the judge in you that trivializes your own life? Do you stay open to the possibility that the casual stranger who genuinely smiles at you and makes your morning more blessed is also the part of you that can bring the gift of simple love to another?
Try this Mirror exercise today:
Write down the name of a person, and what role they play in relationship with you.
Write out exactly how you perceive them and how your perceptions make you feel.