Monday, January 25, 2010

No One can Give You Freedom But You! Katie Byron

Hi Everyone,

If you signed up for the Excuses Be Gone tele-class and have not made your $70 payment please do so today through pay pal on my contact page @ We have room for two more participants so pass this along to anyone you feel would benefit!

Schedule Update

As most of you know I live in Cave Creek AZ and we were in a weather state of emergency for the past few days. One of the ways the rain and wind has impacted me is that I do not have consistent Internet connectivity. With out this connection I cannot record or moderate the class. So, we will start next Tuesday February 2nd, 2010, my Internet guy assured me he should have our kinks worked out by then.

The local event took place a few weeks ago and was a great success! Everyone released resistance, had life changing epiphanies, wrote their new living vision and more! You will hear more from some of those folk's later this week!

Okay - let's get started on your process!

Below is your preparation focusing assignment #1.
This is an important piece in beginning to shift your energy and in making yourself a priority. Your resistance to the exercise will help you understand your attitude toward your change coming into the class. Email me with any questions.

Schedule a half hour appointment with yourself to be some place quiet with no interruptions. You will need a single piece of paper and a writing instrument. On the single piece of paper (not one in your journal if it is hard bound), on both sides if need be, write about the area you wish to feel more satisfied in. Journal in detail about how it is right now, how do YOU FEEL today. On a scale of 1-10, ten being the most satisfaction right now what would you rate it? Your writing may go like some of the examples below, but not limited to. Let it all flow ... no one but you will see this entry!!!!

Once you have written all the details about what your feeling - put the sheet of paper away where no one else can see it. Do not reread, add to or subtract anything from the writing. Just tuck it away and move onto a better feeling focus!

You will receive an email from me in a few days that will provide you with your next step!


Writing Examples:

Example 1. Weight Dissatisfaction

On a scale of 1-10 I feel my physical health is a 1. I feel over weight, uncomfortable, discouraged and lazy. I always intend to start walking just a few minutes a day and when it's time to walk I cannot get motivated, and then feel bad for letting myself down again. I need new clothes and hate to go clothes shopping because trying on clothes makes me feel bad or I don't want to spend the money on new clothes if I am going to loose the weight any way. I noticed I eat when I feel bad and then I feel worse for eating. I am confused about emotional eating .... how is it I am expected to solve a weight problem that has been in my family for generations, I am so angry ....

Example 2. Relationship Dissatisfaction

On a scale of 1-10 I feel my relationship with my husband, child, mother etc. is a 3. I feel frustrated, used and not listened to. I often pull away my attention and affection as a way to punish and send my beloved a message of my dissatisfaction to only feel isolated and alone. All my efforts to change this person end up in failure and more hurt feelings. I am controlling. I am not lovable. I find myself in a cycle of blame and feeling as though " if they were just different I would feel better" .... I am confused about what it means when everyone says " the change begins with me" ....
Example 3. Money Dissatisfaction

On a scale of 1-10 my money satisfaction is a 2. I feel limited by the amount of money I can make from my job. I feel frustrated, even though I am doing a good job my company was unable to give pay raises this year. I did get a bonus but that was gone paying for credit card debt I accumulated last year when things were really tight for my family. I am nervous about loosing my job. My company is talking about lay offs if things don't change in this first quarter of 2010 .... I am over whelmed, confused ... I am uncertain about the future and afraid ...

To Your Wellness!

Cheryl Bourget H.H.C


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hello Everyone!

Hopefully by now you have taken the time to write about how you are feeling on a scale of 1-10 in regards to your area of dissatisfaction? If not, please do so before you move on to assignment number #2. If you need a resend of assignment #1 let me know?

To transform any excuse it takes awareness of what you really believe. An excuse is an energy force that you have built a whole reality around. By now there is much validity to your experience keeping the energy alive and well! Most likely you have been explaining or complaining about this area of your life for a long time? Putting the Mind on paper is a great way to become aware of the energy holding your experience in place and is a step that opens a whole universe of possibilities!

So what is next?

Schedule a half hour appointment with yourself to be some place quiet with no interruptions. Be sure to have your writing assignment with you and the note book or journal you will have with you on Saturday. Reread your thoughts and look for a pattern of thinking. See if you can identify your excuse? Make note of this pattern in your Journal for Saturdays work.

Now set aside your piece of paper. In the journal or note book you have for Saturday write a new entry regarding how Satisfied You are with this area of your life. Putting the Mind to paper is a great way to create a New Energy force in your life as well. Tell the story of how good this area of your life feels now!! Use as many " feeling" words as possible to create the opposite experience of your initial writing. Once this is done dispose of your single sheet of paper. Dissipate the old energy - rip it up, burn it or flush it down the toilet! Declare your - Excuses Be Gone!

Remember to bring this journal or notebook with you on Saturday!! We will start at 10AM sharp so plan to be early!

Any questions please call or email me!

PS .. we have room for a two more people if you know any one interested ... send them my way!

PSS... Stay tuned in for tele-class updates!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hello - Excuses Be Gone Participants!

First, let me say - CONGRATULATIONS to all of you that have decided - No More Excuses for not feeling Satisfied in some important area of your life!

The class is coming soon so let's get focused!


Please note the teleclass will now begin on Tuesday January 26th - 8PM EST, 6PM MST, 7PM PT and run for the next three Tuesday's. Once you are signed up I will send you the call-in information and work sheet download.

The local Phoenix event will gather this coming Saturday 16th @ 10AM.
Where: Charlotte Bonderud's house - 4717 47th place, Cave Creek
Directions ~ Cave Creek Rd. south past Carefree Hywy. Go 1 street south of Rancho Paloma (by Catholic church) to Ocupado, turn right. Go to end and turn right (48th St.) go to Desert Forest Trail turn left. Go to 47th Pl. turn right. Charlotte's house is on 47 Pl. on the left (west side). Address is on garage -4717. House is grey. Door will be open!!

We will start right at 10AM so please plan to arrive 5 or 10 minutes early. If you are planning to come and have not confirmed that with me please do so as I have only a few spots left.

Okay - let's get started on your process!

Below is your preparation focusing assignment #1.

Schedule a half hour appointment with yourself to be some place quiet with no interruptions. You will need a single piece of paper and a writing instrument. On the single piece of paper (not one in your journal if it is hard bound), on both sides if need be, write about the area you wish to feel more satisfied in. Journal in detail about how it is right now, how do YOU FEEL today. On a scale of 1-10, ten being the most satisfaction right now what would you rate it? Your writing may go like some of the examples below, but not limited to. Let it all flow ... no one but you will see this entry!!!!

Once you have written all the details about what your feeling - put the sheet of paper away where no one else can see it. Do not reread, add to or subtract anything from the writing. Just tuck it away and move onto a better feeling focus!

You will receive an email from me in a few days that will provide you with your next step!


Writing Examples:

Example 1. Weight Dissatisfaction

On a scale of 1-10 I feel my physical health is a 1. I feel over weight, uncomfortable, discouraged and lazy. I always intend to start walking just a few minutes a day and when it's time to walk I cannot get motivated, and then feel bad for letting myself down again. I need new clothes and hate to go clothes shopping because trying on clothes makes me feel bad or I don't want to spend the money on new clothes if I am going to loose the weight any way. I noticed I eat when I feel bad and then I feel worse for eating. I am confused about emotional eating .... how is it I am expected to solve a weight problem that has been in my family for generations, I am so angry ....

Example 2. Relationship Dissatisfaction

On a scale of 1-10 I feel my relationship with my husband, child, mother etc. is a 3. I feel frustrated, used and not listened to. I often pull away my attention and affection as a way to punish and send my beloved a message of my dissatisfaction to only feel isolated and alone. All my efforts to change this person end up in failure and more hurt feelings. I am controlling. I am not loveable. I find myself in a cycle of blame and feeling as though " if they were just different I would feel better" .... I am confused about what it means when everyone says " the change begins with me" ....

Example 3. Money Dissatisfaction

On a scale of 1-10 my money satisfaction is a 2. I feel limited by the amount of money I can make from my job. I feel frustrated, even though I am doing a good job my company was unable to give pay raises this year. I did get a bonus but that was gone paying for credit card debt I accumulated last year when things were really tight for my family. I am nervous about loosing my job. My company is talking about lay offs if things don't change in this first quarter of 2010 .... I am over whelmed, confused ... I am uncertain about the future and afraid ...


To Your Wellness,

Cheryl Bourget H.H.C
Excuses Be Gone Workshop

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"When we can bring ourselves in harmony with the forces of our Universe, achieving our dreams becomes far more possible than at any other time. We attain harmony when we are centered and at ease with ourselves."

Friday, January 8, 2010

Understanding Your Vibration

Hello Everyone,

Understanding your vibration is the first step towards making changes in your life. And when you realize that the subtle magnetic influences of your vibration are attracting and repelling people, places, and experiences to you in every moment, the awareness of how you are doing what you are doing becomes a powerful tool.

Alignment with your Source Perspective gradually begins to shift your vibration to higher levels, from which you are then able to make more conscious, deliberate choices about everything you are attracting and creating in your life.

As your vibration shifts to higher levels, you begin to see and experience life more clearly, from the broader vantage point of understanding and fulfillment

This month I am offering Vibrational Readings to assist you with better understanding you point of attraction on any subject and what it is you may be learning. This knowledge changes everything and sets you up to be able to make a shift in your ability to achieve a satisfaction in all area's of life.

Some area’s folks have explored in the past are their relationship to:

Physical health
Career choice
Living situation or location
Current job situation
Their intuition

Call 480-518-3660 or email to schedule your session today!

One Hour Reading - $120
Half Hour Reading - $ 60

Click on the Pay Pal button @ to make your purchase now. I will email you to schedule your session once payment is received.

To Your Life's Satisfaction,

Cheryl Bourget H.H.C
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